Special News
Special News
The Outstanding Professional Award (OPA) is awarded in the Spring semester to 2 professional staff members for going above and beyond their regular duties and for exemplifying positivity, for bringing out the best in others, for offering innovative ideas, and for creating conditions for success. Here are the 2023 nominees: Lanna Johnson-Boyd Melanie Danner John Gilmer Ashley Grammer Brittany Gregg Adrienne Hall Carrie West Harris Nathan Holtz Jackie Hayes Elizabeth Lary Telisa McWaters Lindsey Woodruff Please
PSA’s Agility Training
Category: Uncategorized
Agility training happening this coming Monday. Please note you must click the news title above to access the registration link. Come join us for a Professional Staff Assembly special training session on Agility. You will receive a boxed lunch to enjoy during the training and certificate of completion. Seats are limited to 25 attendees so please register soon. The University Agility program is a continuous improvement program that improve service and reduce costs. The program
Thank you for sending in questions and attending the Professional Staff Assembly’s COVID Town Hall meeting this afternoon. We will be sorting through questions that came through chat during the meeting and presenting them to administration to get the answers back to you as soon as possible. The slides and recording are available for anyone that was unable to attend. The webinar did hit capacity, and we are very sorry if you were unable to
MLK Day of Service
Category: Uncategorized
All UA staff members are invited to take part in this year’s MLK Day of Service on Monday, Jan. 18 from 8 a.m. – noon. This year’s day of service will be held virtually with local nonprofit and national organizations. The event is co-sponsored by the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Center for Service and Leadership, Division of Student Life. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/yywk89xu View opportunities at givepul.se/xwgv6u. For information on other
We request that each member of PSA create an account and select membership in the PSA Page of BamaPulse so that we can track and provide more data on the amazing volunteer and outreach work being conducted by our members. BamaPulse is a user-friendly website that streamlines volunteer and community engagement opportunities and allows you to record your volunteer hours and impacts. Creating an account is simple! Use these steps for easy access: Visit https://bama.givepulse.com/group/119048-The-University-of-Alabama. In the top